Thursday, 19 February 2015

God Says You Are My Wife

Hey guyz, it is time for some relationship talk. So I was going through Facebook and I saw this very insightful post written by one of my friends in the university. I feel its vividly communicates my opinion on the matter. So here it goes;

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Today's #MCM is.......

So our #MCM for today is no other person than the man who controls more than 400 companies under the Virgin Group conglomerate. He is the founder of Virgin Blue, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Mobile, Virgin Express and every other Virgin you can think of (not the other virgin o! if you know what I mean) He is no other person than, Richard Branson!! *drum roll*.

We Are Ready for 2015!

Hey guyz, I know some of your are ardent followers of my blog and for a very long time now I have failed to keep up with my promise of making sure I keep you entertained, informed and educated. I'm very sorry for being MIA (missing-in-action) this long, trust me when I say I'm trying to get my act together in 2015. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

The Hidden Truth of the African Continent!

“The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa, for he has so much to look forward to” – Richard Mullin

Friday, 12 December 2014

How to Land a Lagos Big Boy this Christmas

I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I really had to express myself to the best of my ability and unfortunately that requires a lot of words. LOL. So here we go:

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Happy 54th Anniversary Nigeria!


Exactly 54 years ago, Nigeria gained its independence from Great Britain. Exactly 54 years ago, Nigerian nationalists and freedom fighters heaved a sigh of relief as their eyes burned with tears of joy and their hearts filled with pride as Nigeria became an independent nation. At last their fight was not in vain! They were victorious! The numerous blood shed for this cause was not futile! The GIANT OF AFRICA is finally INDEPENDENT.