Thursday, 4 September 2014

9 Signs Your Partner Is Ashamed Of You!

Okay, this is a very serious matter! So many people have girlfriends and boyfriends that they are ashamed of. They are not proud to show off their significant other to family and friends. The question is, if you could not deal with the person's faults/defects, love them and accept them, why go ahead to date the person if you know you'll hide him/her in a closet? It is very hurtful when your partner cannot boldly declare his/her love and affection for you publicly because he/she is ashamed to be associated with you. 

Several things that can make you an 'ashamee' include: being overweight, having physical disabilities, bad diction/accent, bad dentition, educational qualifications, physical appearance, fashion sense, financial ability and the list goes on and on

Want to know if your partner is ashamed of you? Well look out for the following signs to determine if you are an ashamee or not *wide smile*:

1. He/She always walks behind you or a few steps away from you whenever you guyz are out. If you find your partner lagging behind when you are both walking without him/her trying to fall in line and keep up with you, then know that you are an "Ashamee"

2. He/She never uses your picture as their DP or profile picture or never puts up a picture of both of you on any social media platform. This only connotes one thing, your partner isn't proud to show you to the world.

4. He/She always introduces you as a 'friend' to colleagues, family and peers not as 'my boyfriend, my man, my woman, my lady e.t.c.

5. He/She avoids Public Display of Affection (PDA) vehemently. I am not really a big fan of PDA but doesn't mean I can't indulge once in a while. Romantic gestures like holding hands, wrapping your hands around your partner's shoulder/waist e.t.c depicts closeness and intimacy without necessarily being so explicit or obscene. If, on the other hand, you partner avoids even the tiniest display of affection, then my brethren you have become an "Ashamee" 

6. If your partner does not invite you to public functions like dinners, family gatherings (naming ceremony, weddings,) birthdays e.t.c, be rest assured that your partner is ashamed of you.

7. He refuses to allow you meet his family. It means he/she is scared that you don't meet their expectations.

8. He/She speaks very rudely and in harsh tones to you when you are in public and doesn't care if you leave angrily or not.

9. He/she acts aloof when you both are together in public. Probably fiddling with his/her phone most of the time and avoiding deep, long conversations.

These are just a few of the many alert signs you might get if your partner is ashamed of you. So watch out! you don't want to be an 'ashamee' do you?

Don't forget to leave a comment.


  1. Thank God i'm nt an ashamee lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yep! My ex did nearly all of these!! Fool! Evil! Nasty piece of work! Well rid! :)
