Hey guyz, I know some of your are ardent followers of my blog and for a very long time now I have failed to keep up with my promise of making sure I keep you entertained, informed and educated. I'm very sorry for being MIA (missing-in-action) this long, trust me when I say I'm trying to get my act together in 2015.
The year has started well for most of us I believe and I can proudly say that we have many more testimonies in the coming months. Lets not forget our mantra on this blog DECIDE-COMMIT-SUCCEED. At Dheevashares, we do not celebrate quitting, rather we believe that when you fail, you examine the situation critically, identify your faults, learn the lessons and bounce back up. For this reason, Dheevashares has taken a critical look at her past mistakes and we are making slight alterations to our content to ensure that we cover holistically the subject matters critical to this blog.
In light of this, we have decided to dedicate specific days to exploring different issues which Dheevashares aims to resolve which includes career, business, health, relationship, inspiration, life-style, women, and God. This is to disrupt the presumption that this blog is basically about relationships. So people, here's how we're gonna be doing it from today:
Mondays: We'll feature business tips, career insights, business word for the day, picture of the day and MCM (Man Crush Monday)
Tuesdays: Relationship issues and tips on how to maintain a smooth
relationship. We will welcome posts and comments from you all, it'll
really go a long way. If you have a relationship problem and you need advice, you can send me an email (unwanejuafor@gmail.com) and we will post it on here and proffer solutions as a family.
Wednesdays: We will explore women issues, relationships, work/life/family balance, raising kids and WCW (Women Crush Wednesday)
Thursdays: Entertainment, TBT (throwback) pictures, global issues and trends,
Friday: Health tips, weight loss, exercise tips, FBF (Flash Back Friday)
Saturday: Fashion trends, inspirational posts and topics
Sunday: This day we will explore issues pertaining the Christian life style. How to live a righteous life in today's world and biblical tips on living a victorious Christian life.
Please note that this is just a guideline to enable us manage this blog effectively. However, if there is a pressing issue, regardless of the day, it will be addressed.
So guyz, there you have it. If you feel I omitted anything you'll like us to talk about here, kindly note it in the comment section below and we will be more than happy to implement it. I look forward to a successful year ahead and to many more solved problems on this platform.
Stay tuned for the posts for today because we just got started. Ciao!!
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