Tuesday, 26 August 2014

6 Things Guys Love Most About Women

Okay ladies, this post is for you. Want to attract the guy of your dreams? Well, follow these few tips I found on the "Hopeful Singles and Married" BBM channel. I  added a few of my own to the list. Check them out.

1. Confidence: Confidence is a major turn on for most guys. It is the opposite of insecurity. You need to be 100% comfortable in your own skin, accept your flaws and make efforts to correct them. Don't always make sentences that indicate that you are not proud of yourself - whether your strengths or weaknesses. Sentences such as " Ehen, so its because I'm fat that's why you are scoping another girl abi?" indicate that your are not comfortable with your weight and yet you are making no effort to shed some pounds. 

2. Positivity: Damn! some ladies can be real pessimists to the extent that their partners think twice before sharing an idea or project with them because they will shut it down with their mouth before it even sees the light of day.  Ladies you do not know how much your smile and kind words of encouragement can make a man feel like a million bucks. So ditch the pessimism and start embracing positivity. See the good side of the situation rather than dwell on the negative sides.

3. Good Dress Sense: This is one area that needs to be properly addressed. We all know that guys are attracted by what they see. Their sense of sight moves faster than any of their other 4 sensory organs *sorry guys, truth be told*. This knowledge should put fire under your ass to always look your best and dress appropriately for your size and age. This does not mean you have to buy the most expensive clothes, shoes or bags. It speaks more about dressing to fit the kind of personality you want to depict. Be neat! Dress smart! Look good!

4. Smell Good: It is very appalling the way some ladies neglect the odour that oozes out of their body. Ladies we are made up of a jumble of hormones. All that estrogen and progesterone make us liable to having some scent that is not palatable to the sensory organ of smell. So please, be conscious of your scent. Use good feminine deodorants and colognes. SMELL GOOD! You can turn off a guy in a split second with bad breath or pungent body odour. 

 5. A Laid-back Personality: Ladies please stop being so uptight and boring. Most guys love women with a laid back personality, warm and down to earth. You don't have to get so worked up about everything. Life is too short to be cranky, moody and touchy all the time. Like a pastor said, some women wake up in the morning and when asked why they are in such bad mood they reply "I'm not in the mood to be in the mood" *lol* Have fun, smile often and laugh more.

6. Intellect: Nothing irritates a guy more than a bimbo! A beautiful lady who is also intelligent is a big turn on for guys - she is almost irresistible. No one is saying you have to graduate top of your class *although that's a plus* but it is very important that you keep yourself updated about trends and topics within the global scene. Know something about everything no matter how little and try to engage in intellectual discussions. To help you with that, surround yourself with people who think along that wave length and read intelligent books *it's time to ditch the mills and boom*. Beauty is sexy but beauty and brains is sexier!

So ladies, there you have it. Where do you think you are lacking? Start making changes now! I wish us luck *winks*