Friday, 29 August 2014

Dairy Of a Beautiful Woman (1)

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I wonder if being beautiful is a curse or a gift. I know God created me in his image so that I can show the world the awesomeness of this creative prowess and the magnitude of his beauty. But it seems beauty has lost it's true meaning and significance. As a result of moral decadence pervading our generation, beautiful women are seen as nothing more than empty heads; bimbos as they are popularly called. 

To be a beautiful woman with a difference requires extra hard-work to break through the barriers of prejudiced stereotypes and notions. At the work place, she is required to put in extra hours just to prove that she is worth more than her looks. She has to deal with gossips and haters who thinks she is proud because of her looks.

She is often relegated to the marketing department because her beauty is seen as a tool to be leveraged upon as it guarantees sales for the company regardless of how she goes about it. In school, she has to battle sexual harassment from lecturers just to come out with good grades *which she has worked her ass of to merit by the way*. She has to deal with shameless bosses who equate sex with getting a raise or being promoted.

The true essence of beauty has been lost. Ladies are more often than not referred to as 'sexy' and 'hot' as opposed to 'beautiful'. Beauty is now synonymous with sexual appeal. Oh! an analysis of musical videos will help portray my point. Ladies going naked in the name of being a video vixen and a model. How difficult it is in recent times to be beautiful and chaste. Such rare virtue that has been lost since the days of Esther and Deborah.

Oh! how many times I have been judged by my looks. How, so many times, my looks has caused me tears when I hear the words of people. The memory is still fresh and hurts so badly when I remember the words of my school mate in the University "She cannot be the best in her class with her brains. She definitely is giving it to the lecturer."

To be contd.

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