Last weekend, I sat on my bed thinking about life generally and the various principles that make life what it is. During this moment of silent introspection, I remembered a book I read sometime ago by Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Center. The book explained the various principles that distinguishes a successful person from one who isn't.
One of those principles is - "Success is what you feel". According to the book, the world is governed by the law of attraction. you attract whatever negative energy you put out. Something like your life being magnetic and you attracting to yourself whatever you put out to the universe. In discussing this principle, the issue of self-worth, self-respect, self-love and self-confidence were reiterated.
Self confidence, in simple terms can be referred to confidence in one's self and in one's abilities while pride, on the other hand, is a haughty attitude shown by somebody who believes, often unjustifiably, that he
or she is better than others. Confidence in yourself births all others - self-love, self-worth et al. However, what puzzles me most is the various misconceptions people attribute to the term self-confidence. I see people, in a bid to become self-confident, misconceive the subject matter and become proud instead. Walking with your head tall, shoulders high, face straight, eyes looking forward are all quintessential of a person who exudes self-confidence but these qualities can also be found in a proud person. So where do we draw the line between self-confidence and pride?
Sometimes it is so confusing. You try to be confident in who you are, your abilities and achievement, and then you hear someone whisper behind your back "That girl is so proud, she feels too CONFIDENT!" Is there a boundary between self-confidence and pride? Can one really transit from being self-confident to being overtly proud? Where does one draw the line between self-confidence and pride? I would love to hear your thoughts.......
Nice article. Properly written. I think self confidence becomes pride when the person starts to feel he or she is better than other people and consequently looks down on them.