Friday, 27 June 2014

Fear Is Your Greatest Enemy!

What do I do?
Many times we are over-whelmed by the thought of that big idea, that dream, that innovation that seems larger than life and almost impossible to achieve. We think up so many negative reasons that can debar us from achieving that feat, reaching that height, launching that ground-breaking innovation capable of bring positive changes to our world. We are always confused about where to start.

That over-whelming feeling of "Okay, I have this idea but I don't where to start?" can scare us so badly we abandon the entire project and scurry into our closets, at least there we feel safe without having to face the challenges life throws at us. There are several elements in life that can kill that dream, kill that vision, kill that passion you have burning inside of you. But the truth is you cannot afford to let your purpose die simply because of the fear of not knowing how to go about it or the fear of criticism or the fear of limitations.

I'm so confused!

Sometimes in life the best way to set the ball rolling in pursuing your goal, vision, dream or purpose or is to just START. Don't sweat it, don't over-think it, just start! With the little you have start! No matter how small start! The key to being who you want to be is to just start! You'll be surprised how things begin to fall into place and how fast your fears diminish when you START!

Yea right! Sounds easy huh?
So you're thinking, "Well it's easy for you to say, but sometimes we gotta face reality, starting aint that easy". But I stand here to tell you that unless you break out of the stream of thought, you probably are never gonna see your dream birthed and develop into something great. I used to think along that line too. I always wanted to pour out my thoughts, share my most intriguing moments. I always wanted to make an impact in my generation. I wanted to just release my innermost ideas and share them with the world. But guess what, for years I dreamt and envisioned in my bathroom (yea bathroom, that place has some sorta supernatural powers that ignites your imaginative prowess *LOL* moving on) about how I would speak to millions of people, share life's secrets, narrate my experiences and how they can learn from them.

The key word there is DREAMT and ENVISIONED. I didn't take the first step. I allowed fear overwhelm me and all my ideas and passions were just there buried deep within me. Then one day it struck me! I said to myself "Uche, if you want to make your dream a reality, you gotta start somewhere, you gotta do something. You gotta just begin, you have to START" and that was how the Dheeva archive began. Like my introductory post highlighted, I started and failed and started again and here we are at Dheeva shares season 3 (*LOL*)

Humour aside, the reality is you can't just sit there dreaming without putting any force into motion. The universe isn't going to help you achieve your purpose if you don't indicate to it that you have a goal to reach.  You have to start doing something about your dreams which indicates to the universe that you are ready to launch out and then the universe will work in alignment with your purpose and dreams by bringing your way the necessary people, opportunities and events to help you. Whatever dream you have that feels bigger than you or whatever vision you have that eats at you so badly you can hardly sleep is probably what is gonna announce you to to the world very soon. 

So snap out of your reverie and get going. Visualization is very good but doesn't get you to where you want to be if you don't starting acting on it. Which explains why we have so many day-dreamers and wishful thinkers. So start that blog, start experimenting with those chemicals, go check out that new site, start shooting that movie, dust off your business plan and start moving. Because no matter how many times a man falls, if he rises again he will succeed. So I challenge you today to launch that project and let us reap from your store-house of inventions and innovations. The world is waiting for you. I am waiting for you. Don't you dare die with my books or my movies or my technologies. 

From the Dheeva series I say to you LET US BEGIN! Wish you all the best as you get the ball rolling. Lots of love.

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