Hello guyz, I know it's been a while since my last post and I sincerely apologize for that. So today I will be sharing with you lovely people what I discovered to be the the secret of Winners. As explained in my previous post, there are several principles that determines success or failure in life. As Myles Munroe puts it "life is predictable. Success or failure in life is predictable."
The reason is quite obvious. The universe operates on laws and principles. The law of gravity, the principle of positivity, principle of time, principle of sowing and reaping, principle of hard-work and diligence and the list goes on and on. Failure to adhere to these laws or principles will fetch you a yellow/red card, which means you will either be suspended or disqualified from the game of life. It's that simple and straight-forward.
The reason is quite obvious. The universe operates on laws and principles. The law of gravity, the principle of positivity, principle of time, principle of sowing and reaping, principle of hard-work and diligence and the list goes on and on. Failure to adhere to these laws or principles will fetch you a yellow/red card, which means you will either be suspended or disqualified from the game of life. It's that simple and straight-forward.
As we have heard so many times, "there is no shortcut to success." There are so many secrets to success and one of them is what I will be sharing today. Now what is that secret? Its very simple! "PERSEVERANCE". Perseverance simply means determined continuation with something - being steady or continuous in an action or belief over a long period of time especially despite difficulties and setbacks. In other words, perseverance means sticking to something against all odds.
Examine the life of people who recorded great success during their life time. These people understood and followed the principle of perseverance. They did not quit regardless of opposition stacked against them. A quintessential example is Thomas Edison, who said "I have not failed. I have only found 10,000 ways that won't work." Now that is perseverance displayed in utmost grandeur. The result? the invention of electricity which has revamped all aspect of human endeavour. We can do almost nothing without electrical power, thanks to the fast pace of technological advancement and global digitalization. Thomas Edison lives on in our minds because of his perseverance.
Winners don't quit and quitters don't win. In the mind of a winner,
quitting is not an option. Failure at a given task is not an indication
of weakness, rather it is a signal to work harder at success. To be honest, it can be very tempting to quit. Quitting seems to be the easiest thing to do when you reach rock bottom; when that business seems to be stagnant, when that relationship isn't going smoothly, when your efforts go unnoticed, when that book doesn't become a best seller as quick as possible.
I have been tempted so many times to quit in various aspects of my life. Quite frankly, the first thing that comes to my mind when frustrated is 'Why don't you just QUIT and save yourself all the stress". But the truth is quitting doesn't make you better. It rubs you of needed experience, it rubs you of the opportunity to be a better person, to hone your skills, to work on your weaknesses, to pave a path for yourself. It makes you a looser because you will have all sort of abandoned projects attributed to your name. *now that's not praiseworthy is it?*
So before you think of quitting that job, ending that relationship, dropping that book, ending that album production ask yourself these questions. Does this job bring out the best in me? Am I happy with what I am doing? Does this activity/career emphasize my strengths? Does this person have a positive impact in my life? Can this person play a significant role in my career or future goals? Do I truly trust this person enough to want to keep him/her in my life? Your answer to these questions will direct your next decision.
There are instances where quitting is 100% advisable. For example, an abusive relationship, smoking, excess alcohol intake, stuck in a job in which you have no passion for (this only makes you mediocre and doesn't give opportunity for career growth), a situation in which there is lack of happiness and abundance of fear amogst many other instances. That is why many motivational speakers advice that you find your passion, your purpose, your assignment in life. There is something about pursuing your purpose that doesn't make quitting an option.
So dear friends, find your purpose and don't quit. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The bible says ".....The vision is for an appointed time....though it may tarry, it must surely come to pass." It may take a lot of time, hard-work and diligence but it will surely come to pass. It took Nelson Mandela 27years in prison to become the first black president of South-Africa. It took Abraham and Sarah 25years before they had their first child. It took Jesus 30 years of perseverance to fulfill his 3-years ministry.
So hold on, your best days are ahead. don't give up now! Remember QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!
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